
Monitored climate simulator
Marine research IUI Eilat.
The project is based on one main goal-saving sea creatures from global warming. For this purpose, a smart robot is installed, which passes over 48 aquariums, according to the customer's needs, and measures: water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and salinity, all automatically by remote control.

International chocolate company
Giant lysimeters for cocoa irrigation research
On of our biggest projects till now has been planning and installing a system of 24 giant lysimeters in a cocoa research farm.
Due to climate changes cocoa plantations are struggling to adjust to the new conditions in the tropical areas.
This lysimeter system was designed according to our clients needs, determined to find the best irrigation plan for cocoa plantations around the world.

Harvest Weighing system
Date plantation Kibbutz Yahel
A unique system, which provides the farmer with important information about both the quality and quantity of the yield of a single palm tree.
The system identifies the palm tree and weighs the harvested fruit. The entire process is performed automatically and requires no intervention from the operator The identification and weighing data is retrieved, collected in the controller and transferred to the data management system.

Regional development company
Monitoring system for Methane gas flaring site.
The project includes collecting and burning Methane gas- Methane is the primary component of natural gas – a common fuel source. Crystal Vision developed an Upgrade of the gas collection and burning system through remote control and alarm system as part of the reduction of greenhouse gases emitted in the landfill sites of the garbage from the Arava and Eilat.

Lysimeter Carousel is a development of advanced, cost-effective irrigation technologies.The purpose of the system is to measure growth data while providing uniform growth conditions.The system is controlled and managed by an advanced "Crystal OPC" human-machine interface (HMI), which enables the collection, recording, analysis and presentation of the data obtained in a user-friendly, easy to operate manner.

Dosage of concrete mixtures control system Concrete sack- a factory for the production of concrete mixtures
This project involves three separate weighing and mixing systems according to customer needs.
The first system - for aggregates up to a ton in one kg lots.
Second system - sand and cement up to a ton and accuracy of 100 grams.
The third system - up to 100 kg for sorting with accuracy up to 0.1 g.
The three systems work in coordination with other dosage systems - up to five different materials.